27 Eylül 2011 Salı


Dun yani 26-eylul-2011 kizim ilk kez Agac dedi, once ben soyledim bu agac dedim sonra oda agac dedi, sonra oyuncak agacini aldi hadi git babana baba bu agac de dedim oda gitti ve baba bebe agac dedi.


Dun onunla birlikte uyurken oyle tatliydiki, beni oyle guzel optuki, dudaklarimdanda optu cok lezzetli, oku diyor sonra
kitap gorunce anne ana oku this diye bir kitap gosteriyor mesela
Ben onunla uyurken genelde elimde kitap oluyor abajur isigi ile okuyoru, oda yataga benim kitaplarimdan birini alip giriyor.

Yavrum ne cilveli ne sirindin dun gece, artik buyudugunu hissettigim o anlardan biriydi.

Bugun yani 27-sept-2011 kizim ilk kez tas dedi, denizde bana tas cikarip verdi anne bak tas, ayyy tatli kizim konusuyor yavas yavas artik.

01 Oct 2011

Bugun kizimin ilk kez funny dedigini duydum, gulem taklidi yapip anne annne funny dedi, cok sekerdi, sonra pis kaka demeyi ogrenis benden, bbegiyle oynarken pis kaka diyordu, help diyor cok tatli please diyor.

Bugun kizim cok feci kafasini carpti, sesi hala kulaklarimda cinliyor korkunc bir sesdi ve kafasi nasil kirilmadi bilmiyorum, cok uzulduk, Allah korusun onlari, kovalanmayi cok seviyor ve arkamdan yetisiyorlar mi diye bakmak icin kafasini donuyor surekli o arada kosmaya devam ediyor salak sey onune bakmadan gidince paiy gecirdi kafayi ama o ses aklima geldikce kalbim patlayacak gibi oluyorum, oyle hic birsey yaomadik, buz koymamiza asla izin vermiyr internetten carpmalara vurmalara karsi neler yapmali ogrenmem lazim.

18 Oct 2011

Kizima bugun baba nerde? diye sordum baba ofis dedi.
Dun havuc dedim tekrar etti beni aynen soyledi, bir sure sonra havuc'u carrot olarak soyledi, yani havuc diye papagan gibi tekrarlamiyordu beni kizim, onun carrot demek olduguna biliyordu.
Bu aralar cok tatli tarzanca konusuyor, tekrar ediyir soyledigim kelimeleri, hepsini yazasim var, soyledigi agzindan ilk ciktigi anda kaydedesim var ama olmuyor maalesef...

Oscar'lik Turk Filmleri

Türkiye adına Oscar'da sizce hangi film yarışsın?
Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da - Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Bizim Büyük Çaresizliğimiz - Seyfi Teoman
Çınar Ağacı - Handan İpekçi
Çoğunluk - Seren Yüce
Gölgeler ve Suretler - Derviş Zaim
Hayde Bre - Orhan Oğuz
Kavşak - Semir Demirdelen

bunlardan birtek Cinar Agacini izledim, digerlerinide izliyecegim umarim

Dubai'de denenecek yeni yerler

Bencede Ottoman restaurant iyiydi.
Ben birde  Lalezar Jumeirah Zabeel Saray'i tavsiye ederim. Cok memnun kaldik. Hem servis hem yemekler superdi.

Jones the Grocer Sheikh Zayed ustunde,tam Times Square in karsi tarafinda yani Dubaiden Abu Dhabiye giderken solunuzda kaliyor yanda service road da. Bir de onun yaninda Crumbs diye biyer acildi o kadar sirin ve guzel bir yer,Sheakespeare i andiriyor ama daha yeni.

reem al bawadi, on the beach road , eski HSBC binasi
Bu arada tam Lime Tree nin yanina Turkish Village die bisey acilio bilen var mi nedir?

Bin Majid Beach resort was great.. it's in RAK.Bu RAK'ta bir otel, check it out
Her cumartesi sheikh zayed road daki Dubai Garden Center da saat 
9.30am - 1pm.arasi organik pazar kuruluyor.
gecen cumartesi ikincisi kuruldu.coluk cocuk tam senlik yeri oluyor :)
ayri ayri urunler degil de kutular satiyorlar.kucuk kutu iki kisilik 80drh.icinde sansina ne cikarsa,ama tamamen lokal,taze,organik,mis gibi kokuyor ! bizim kutuda roka,domates,biber ( uc renginden de ) minik feslegen agaci,biberiye dallari,uc bes kucuk acili biberlerden,patates,mantar,dort bes lime,7-8 adet salatalik vardi. 
gayet lezzetlilerdi,afiyetle yedik :)
buyuk kutu da 4 kisilik , ya 100 ya 120drh di.
insallah onumuzdeki aya evlere servise de baslayacaklarmis.Fakat kapiya kadar degil de bolgelere gore pick up point belirleyeceklermis,sen sip.internetten vereceksin,onlar da su gun su saatte pick up pointten al diye arayacaklarmis..ya da belli bir saat gun fixleyeceklermis..neyse uzerinde calisiyolarmis..
ilgilenenlere : www.ripeme.com 
yalniz erken gitmenizde fayda var.biz ilkinde 12 ye geliyodu saat gittik,butun kutular bitmisti..ilk bir saatte 200kutu satmislardi...
Bugun Dragon Mart'a gitmistik ve FA kapisindan girer girmez bir de ne gorelim, ortadaki standlarin birinde Turk urunler var. Ilk once aaa bak Turk kahvesi, sakizlisi da var, HaciBekir lokumlar, cezeryeler, helvalar, receller , Kafkas kestane sekeri, Gulluoglu baklava, pismaniye derken, bir de baktik Turkish Old Bazaar diye bir yer acilmis.  4-5 ay once acmislar. Cok da iyiymis isleri. Lokumluk, kahve fincani, sabun gibi hediyelik esyalar da var ama asil kestane sekeri falan beni gercekten heyecanlandirdi. 
Kahve de yapabilseydim size keske, ikram ederdim gibi kibarliklar da yapti, oradaki Kerim Bey. Bu arada Beko'nun Turk kahve makinasini (Arcelik'in var ya) da satiyorlarmis ancak su an o bitmis.
Haber vereyim istedim. Gecenlerde birileri Turk recel falan soruyordu. Bu arada baklava ve recellerin diyabetikler icin olanlari da var, bilginize.

25 Eylül 2011 Pazar


Yani 25 Eylul 2011

Ne zamandir ihmal ettigim doktor randevularima gittim, iki kotu haber
birincisi varislerim icin ameliyat olmam gerekiyor
ikincisi guatirda ailede genetik olan bir sorunum olma ihtimali 70% imis
yani hayatim boyunca hap almam gerekecek buyuk ihtimalle ve en  nefret ettigim korktugum seylerden biridir...
tam olarak sorun ne haftaya ogrencem, umarim ameliyatlik birsey degildir cunku annem ameliyat olmak zorunda kalmisti.
Bu isin iyi tarafini gor deseler bende metobalizmami hizli calistiracak bir hap olmasini umut ediyorum belki zayiflarim sonunda??? Buyuk ihtimalle ileride oda negatife doner, yani yavas calisiyorsa bir sure sonra haplarda ise yaramaz herhalde...
Daha sirada bel ve boyun icin goruncem, umarim onda kotu bir sey cikmaz.
Isim yoksa simdi Turkiye'de gorun varisler icin, arastir, burada yaptirmaya gozum yemez, Turkiye'de bir suru para bayil falan fisman ufff amma uzun is...Ameliyat lafi direkt kizimi hatirlatiyor, valla sirf onun icin bu isi basariyla atlatma lazim.
Cumarteside lazer tedaviye gitcegim bacagimdaki yara icin, ama ise yarayacagini pek sanmam, bakalim...

24 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi

Sir Ken Robinson

Paulo Coelho'nun blogundaki su link cok ilginc.

Kisaca okul cagina gelen cocuklarin olaganustu seyler yapma sansi %90 iken okula basladiktan sonra bu oran cok daha asagiya iniyormus,kisaca okul yaaticiligi olduruyor diyor.
Teknigi hakkinda okuyup ogrenmem lazim.
Bu konu beni cok dusunduruyor, kizimin robot gibi okula gidip gelmesini istmiyorum, onun benim gibi okuldan sogumasini istemiyorum, basmakalip seyleri ezberlemesini istemiyorum, okullarin ticarilestirilmesi, parasi ve gucu olanin dediginin oldugu, kucucuk cocuklarin bile bu hirsli igrenc insanlarin elinde harcanmasina cok karsiyim ve cok uzuluyorum.
Kizimi nasil koruycam bu ortamdan ve abu dhabi gibi bir irkci ulkede nasil iyi egitim veren iyi bir okul, ogretmen bulacagim bilmiyorum, sirf bu okul yuzunden bu ulkeden ayrilabilirim, ama diger yerlerde durum cok farkli degilki, iyi bir oku bulsan bile ya cok pahali yada hem pahali hemde torpilsiz almiyorlar, buda yine boyle bir okulda yani esitsizligin oldugu bir okuldaki egitimin iyiligini, dogrulugunu tartismali hale gitiriyor.
Kizimin sadece okuldan cok zevk almasini, cok sey ogrenmesini, cok iyi arkadasliklar yapmasini, cok kaliteli arkadaslari ve ogretmenlerinin olmasini ve onun yaraticiligini oldurmeyecek aksine ortaya cikarmasina yardimci olacak bir okul istiyorum ve bence cok sey istemiyorum, hakkimi istiyorum sadece!
Kizim sana bol sans, elimden geleni yapacagim ben umarim sansimizda yaver gider...

Funny Like Me

Developmental experts who've studied humor say a childhood filled with laughter and fun has benefits that last a lifetime. "A sense of humor offers a huge advantage in life," says Lawrence J. Cohen, author of Playful Parenting and a psychologist specializing in children's play. "It's one of the best ways people have figured out to cope with things that are difficult." A child who can easily tap his funny bone is more likely to make strong friendships, be well-liked by peers, and as an adult get along with colleagues at work, manage frustration, diffuse conflict, and suffer less from depression. A sense of humor is also linked to intelligence, self-esteem, creativity, and problem solving.

What's more, humor offers parents rare insight into their children's cognitive development. As humor expert Paul McGhee points out, humor is a form of intellectual play. In infants, laughter is initially stimulated by physical play (tickling, raspberries, and very gentle rough-and-tumble). But as early as 6 or 7 months, when babies start to gain a clearer sense of their world and how it works, they begin taking pleasure in seeing that known world turned on its head — the very essence of humor.

When your child "gets the joke," it's a sign that he's developing significant intellectual skills. So celebrate when your infant gurgles with glee over a game of peekaboo, your 1-year-old titters madly when you sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" in a Tweety Bird voice, your preschooler giggles wildly when you hold a shoe to your ear and say, "Hello?", or your 7-year-old pulls off his first pun.

Parents who laugh often and easily with their children understand that humor is an invaluable parenting tool, one that can be used to discipline without conflict. Moms and dads accustomed to yukking it up with their children also find it's a way to stay close.

The best part? Play and laughter, the foundations of humor, are part of our genetic makeup and preceded human language. Robert R. Provine, author of Laughter: A Scientific Investigation and a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, says the "ha-ha" sound of laughter evolved from the sound we make in physical childhood play — the panting sound of our breathing when engaged in, say, tickling and rough-and-tumble activities.

The key, says Provine, is that a baby's earliest laughter, and most humor that follows in childhood and into adulthood, is an elemental form of social bonding. It could be said that humor, a more sophisticated means to evoke giggles and guffaws, is a way to re-create that unadulterated joy of childhood laughter when we're completely engaged with another person.

Funny like me

Can humor be taught, or is it an inherited trait like left-handedness and green eyes? While some children seem to be born with a bubbly, good-natured disposition, developmental psychologists say humor can be taught. Think of it as a muscle (one no doubt near the funny bone) that needs to be strengthened and worked regularly.

So what's the secret to teaching your child to get in touch with his inner comedian? Rush out to enroll your toddler in mommy and me stand-up classes? Happily, it's more straightforward than that. If you want to have a fun and funny child, there's no better role model than you.

Being funny shouldn't be another burden to add to an already hefty parenting to-do list (8 a.m.: Make clown pancakes; 1 p.m.: Tell an elephant joke; 5 p.m.: Slip on a banana peel). You don't need to be Ellen DeGeneres to get a laugh. All you have to do is tap into your silliest self.

Fortunately, you have years to develop your act, starting with your goofiest material for your baby. Tickle her toes and sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in a ridiculous voice. To crack up your toddler, put a shoe on your head and a hat on your foot. Pick up your 4-year-old's favorite action hero and have him announce what's on the menu for dinner.

This isn't to suggest that your household has to be Comedy Central 24/7. But there's plenty of room for playfulness. In an age when parenting can feel like such serious business, with somber advice on the perils of toilet training too late and the importance of signing up for the best preschool on time, it's worth remembering that fun and games have their place.

"Humor and fun make your household run more smoothly,"
Spencer and her kids yuk it up at the beach
says Paula Spencer, mother of four and author of Momfidence! An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting. "It helps kids feel more relaxed and confident and have more goodwill toward you." Plus, a funny thing happens on your way to making your child giggle. As scientists attest, laughter is infectious. Once you get your child guffawing, you'll find yourself in stitches too.

And why not have fun? You're in the parenting gig for a good 18 years. Your family might as well have a few good laughs along the way.

Yeni Diziler

Kucuk Sirlar bitti Desperate Housewifes'i biraktim izlemeyi daha dogrusu o birakti beni kendime guzel diziler bulmaliyim

Iste ger zaman oldugu gibi once listem sonra action insallah

Modern Family- an iyi komik grammy odulu aldi
Mad Men- buda kazandi birseyler grammy odul toreninde
Downton Abbey-bunu zaten biliyordum.

House Hunting

Dumankaya trend sitesi
6-7 katli
2+1 kombili

Cengelkoyde Mesa
Nish Adalar

Avrupa Konutlari@ TEM
Istanbul Forum Evleri @ Bayrampasa
Finanskent @ Maslak

Sena ve Yeni Kelimeleri

Dun bana sirayla herkes nerde diye sordu, aralarda PEKIIII diyerek, benden ogrenmis, bir anda beklemedigin bir anda cikip soyluyor.
Peki baba nerde, Sesi nerde, anneanne nerde, jiddo nerde, sonra Sena nerde ve anne nerde diye sorup durdu, kendini ve yanindaki annesini ozellikle soruyor komik oldugunun oda farkinda aslinda.

Sonra dayi, bebe Kuzey, anneanne, jiddo nerde diye sorunca eliyle ucan bir ucak taklidi yapip agziylada vuuuuuvvv diyor yani ucakla gidilebilecek bir yerde olduklarinin farkinda.

Gecende bos havuzu gorup anne bak deniz dedi:)
havuz ile denizin farkini anlatmak lazim...

sonra saklan saklan saklan diyor, bizim yaptigimiz oyunu o bize yapiyor

Gogsume dokunup anne balon diyor, sonra Mesi'ye de ayni seyi yapiyor, senin balonlar nerde diyoruz bakiyor gogsune sonra yok diyor elleriyle isaret edip.

balon olayida soyle cikmis, Sena Mesi'nin goguslerini gosterip why Mesi why demis, yani bunlar ne, neden cikmislar anlaminda, Mesi'de balon demis ordan kalmis balon oldular yani...Sonra kendisine bakip niye onun balonlari yok diye uzulmus askim ya...
Ona balon olmadiklarini ne zaman ve nasil anlatmak lazim acaba...

see you diyor ve happy birthday sarkisini soylemeyi cok seviyor, Sanca kendine guveniyor en azindan sarki soylemeye cekinmiyor dedi, oyle hic dusunmemistim, gerci bu konuda utanma duygulari kac yasinda basliyor bilemiyorum.

Sen her zaman oldugu gibi cok hareketli, herkes buna ne yedirdin diyorlar, yedigide yok bu aralar, ama annesi gibi kosup ziplamaktan hoslaniyor bende severdim halada sevredim, boye kalirsa ona masa basi is disinda bir is bulmak lazim, kesinlikle mutsuz olur herhalde.

Okula biraz daha alisti sanki, gecen hafta ben gittim almaya 15 dakika izledim, kendi basina takildi, ogretmeninin tepesine cikmaya calisti, sonra elindeki seyle vurmaya calisti ama oyun amacli yapiyor kizim neyseki sidet gosterisinde bulunmuyor hic kimseye.

Cok insancil benim prensesim, ama bize uyguladigi oluyor ama onuda oyun amacli yapiyor.
Gecen persembede Mesiye gore Sena cok mutluymus okulda, Insallah dogrudur!
Bu hafta gidip parasini odiycez artik...

Kizim bugun ikinci sergisine gitti, ilki Saadiyat adasindaki sergiydi bugunde yine Sancalar ile World:H2O=Water sergisine gitti. guzel ve ilginc bir sergiydi ve dunyaya neler yaptigimizi gormek onu nasil yok ettigimizi gormek cok urkutucuydu. Tabii ufakliklar onu anlayamadi neyseki, etraftaki ilginc objelere bakinmak ve kosusturmakla yetindiler.

17 Eylül 2011 Cumartesi

Goodie Bags

ben ve tatli duskunlugum, kizimin dogumgunu partisi sonrasi aldigi goodie bag'deki sekerlemeleri yememe kadar dustu...
Icindeki tum sekerleme ve cikolatalari yedim ve itiraf ediyorum bu bir ilk degil!!!

Bugunku (aslinda dunku) dogumgununden bazi kareler, kizim Barney'i cok sevdi ama Barney demiyor ona , I love you diyor, I love you, you love me sarkisindan dolayi
Bir ara Barney gitmisti ve bana anne I love you nerde? diye sorup durdu, ah tatli askim benim
Tabiki kizima bir haller oluyor bu aralar resmen nazar olduguna inandim yine ve nazar degdi, tabii benim gerzekligimle hic bir alakasi yok!!! ve sandalyeden dustu cok kotu ve cok daha kotu olabilirdi, kafasini vurdu her nekadar sahitler kafasini vurmadi deselerde neresi wa wa oldu diyince kuzum kafasini gosterdi. Ve keskin kose bir yer var oraya gelmedi diye umut ediyorum, cok vicdan azabi cektim cok uzuldum:(
Sena'nin sinifindan bir cok kisi vardi, idare ederdi parti, Andrew 3 yasina girmis oldu, darisi bizim kiza.
bu arada ayni mekandaki ikinci partimiz gecen senede Georgia'nin partisine gitmistik. Andrew clown'dan ve barney'den feci korktu vizildadi durdu surekli, ha ha


Valla bugun gece 3 civari uyandim daha dogrusu Sena sayesinde uyandirildim ve zaten tavuk gibi yine Sena sayesinde uyudugum icin aksam erkenden, kalkip bekleyen islerimi halledeyim dedim.
Kuzey ve Guney'i seyrettim ve birde ne goreyim resmen sabahi ettim, su an saat 06.45 resmen hava aydinlandi sip diye bir an ne oluyoruz dedim. Yada ben farkina vardigimda bir an sabah olmus her yer aydinlanmisti. Uzun zamandir sabahlamamistim yani gunesi dogdurmamistim.

Kuzey ve Guney tam bir drama, gercekten anlamiyorum bu insanimiz niye bu kadar sever dramayi
yahuu filmini dizisini izlemene gerek yokki... gercek hayatta o kadar cok drama varki gazeteden oku, kendi hayatina yada olmadi gecmisine bak, sende yoksa arkadasinda vardir mutlaka
Bayila bayila kendinden gece gece nedir bu drama aski???

Bence drama duskunu toplumlar az gelismis toplumlar olmali, yani arastirilsin lutfen, bir nedeni vardir mutlaka ve ben bilmeyi cok isterim....

Kimse kizmasinda yani beni guldurcek birseyi izlemek varken nedir bu aci, gozyasi, alcaklik, sirtindan bicaklamalar, tecavuz falan?

Hic icimi bayamayacagim.

Lime Tree

Bu cafe'ye bayiliyorum ama alcaklar Abu Dhabi'de acmiyorlar brunch
Aslinda tatlilari disindaki yiyecekler ve muesli'si disinda cokta lezzetli degil ama ben cok seviyorum yinede ve kimi gotursem cok seviyor Mr.G haric tabiki

Abu Dhabi ve Dubai arasindaki farklari saysam bu cafeyi soylerim mesela, o bile cok sey anlatir.

Fotolari bulunca ekliycem.

16 Eylül 2011 Cuma

Takma isimler

Deniz benim en buyuk destekcim iste, o olmasa nasil gecerdi gunler bilmiyorum, onunla dogal olarak bir suru sey paylasiyorum is hayatimla ilgili
Bazi komik takma isimlerimiz var calistigimiz kisiler hakkindaki telefonda asansorde cafede heryerde iste bahsederken yakalanmayalim diye
Isten bunlardan bazilari

Zeytin ye
Buyuk yilan-yilanlarin basi
Kucuk yilan
French merde

12 Eylül 2011 Pazartesi

Kizim Ilk Kez Sinemaya Gitti!!! 9 Eylul 2011

Ahh askim buyudude sinemaya gidermis...
The Smurfs'e goturdum onu Sanca ile beraber ve tabiki Sara da vardi, yalniz bir sorun vardi, film 3D idi bu demek oluyorki kizimin gozluk takmasi lazim ve gozluk takmazsa mahvolduk cunku gozleri icin cok kotu izlemek gozluksuz, zaten sordugum soruyu duyan sirada arkamdaki Hintli kadinda kesinlikle cok kotu gozler icin diyince tamam eyvah dedik 5 dakika sonra bize sinemadan cikma yollari gozuktu!!
Ama kizim beni sasirtti ve sonuna kadar filmi izledi, ilk baslarda itiraz etsede gozlugu cikarmadi, cok cok sevindim, ayni sekilde Sara'da ve Sanca ve ben birbirimize bakip bakip yeayy yaptik.
Arada gulduler yuksek kahkahalarla, arada yorumlar yaptilar, Sena koltugun ustune cikti oturmaktan sikilip ama begendi filmi ve sinemada olma fikrini ve sonuna kadar akillica usluca seyretti askim benim
Ben susuyorum ve sozu fotolara birakiyorum...

7.Kitap Gecesi, Fedailerin Kalesi Alamut-Nothing Is True, But Everything Is Possible

Katilimin en yuksek oldugu geceydi, keyifliydi, gelenler sagolsun, neyseki hep kitapdan, kitaplardan konustuk ve gece amacina hizmet etmis oldu.Mekan Cafe Arabia idi.

For the first time I have read an entire book that has given rise to one word in the English language. Reading Vladimir Bartol’s “Alamut” was easy and fascinating. Alamut is based on a legendary character named Hasan ibn-Sabbah who is purported to be the leader of the world’s first suicide killers. The story is set in the 11th century AD in the Middle East around Persia. Ibn-Sabbah, simply known as Sayyiduna to his followers rests within the strong walls of a towering castle, whose name is Alamut, meaning "eagle's nest." Hasan’s plan is to recruit a bunch of youngsters, convert them into faithful robots and use them in his ploy to become powerful and spread the Ismaili doctrine through the land.

But when the story begins I had no inkling of these machinations. In fact Bartol builds up anticipation by saying that nobody has seen Hassan but he is the most powerful man on earth because “Allah has given him the key that unlocks the gate to paradise.” This is the crucial message that is hammered into the head of his recruits and believers. As the book unravels I felt horrified at the extent of trouble that Hassan has gone to create a world of make-believe in order to prove his theories and realize his plans.

Bartol draws an extremely chilling portrait of this dictator who stops at nothing to get his plans into action. And yet it’s a complete, well rounded picture showing that even the cruelest dictator is nothing more than human. Hassan has his fears, flaws and yes even emotions.
"He had been hard and demanding toward himself. He had also been hard and demanding toward others.All just to realize his goal, to embody his dreams."

He is built up initially as a divine power but then it’s clear that he is very much human. And that makes it more chilling as we see the evil that we are capable of.

And now the word. Hassan’s exploits have given rise to the word “assassin” in English derived from the Arabic
“hashshashin.” It is also derived from “hashish” a drug, which plays a prominent role in the novel. I cannot go more into that without giving out spoilers.

Bartol has painted a dramatic landscape filled with revenge and the thirst for power. Hassan’s strength is his capacity to ignite the passions in young men through his words. The power of his speech is admirable and at times even I found myself wavering between hating him and feeling pity for him.

One of the few things I can find fault with in the book is the way women are portrayed. They may be pawns in Hassan’s elaborate game, but they needn’t be over-emotional. Women are mostly shown as either empty headed giggling beings or teary eyed creatures, so delicate that they are unable to take romantic fervor and faint when they are in love! Such over-wrought emotions punctuate the otherwise steely atmosphere of the book. Also, long conversations on religion and its intricacies act as a drag on the book’s fast pace.

I was impressed by
Bartol’s knowledge of the Middle East, despite being a Slovenian. The theme of the book is said to be taken from a chapter from Marco Polo’s travels but Bartol has made it into a towering, real life story that is not unimaginable in today’s world where terrorism strikes fear in every person. A book that is more relevant today than any other time.

It’s a novel about the founder of a sect of assassins driven by an extreme interpretation of Islam. His fanatical followers, who have a cult-like attachment to their leader, are trained to become “live daggers” in a holy war, and are promised an afterlife in paradise as a reward for their martyrdom.

The location of this tale? Eleventh century Persia. And the novel itself, a fictionalized account of a real historical personage (sometimes called the world’s first political terrorist), was written in 1938 by Slovenian author Vladimir Bartol. Now, thanks to the work of a UW librarian, the novel, titled Alamut, is available in English for the first time.

Michael Biggins, Slavic and East European librarian and affiliate professor of Slavic languages and literatures, spent the last 18 months translating the nearly-forgotten novel that in the past 20 years has been recognized as a classic in Slovene literature….
Bartol’s work was written as Slovenia saw the rise of totalitarianism in three of its neighbors, Italy, Germany and Russia. “The novel,” Biggins says, “is sui generis, unlike anything else published in Slovenia up to that time. It is an exploration, in novel form, of the nature of totalitarianism, and the ways that political power can manipulate the public’s consciousness,” and, he said, “resonates with 20th and 21st century experience in many ways.”
The main character is portrayed as sympathetic, a well-read man with great humor and intelligence. “The novel doesn’t supply any ready answers or snap refutations of totalitarianism,” Biggins says. “In fact, the trappings of totalitarianism are portrayed as quite appealing.”
Even after examining the novel at the microscopic level of a translator, Biggins still finds it “delightful. It is well crafted, and being that close to it was a pleasure.”
The publisher is Seattle’s Scala House. The publisher’s representative walked into Biggins’ office one day looking for the Slavic Studies librarian, to see if Biggins knew a suitable translator. Biggins, who has many book-length translations to his credit as well as numerous poems and short stories, jumped at the opportunity. “I’d known about Alamut for at least 15 years. It had become a cult classic in Yugoslavia in the 1980s.”
Note: You can find out more about Alamut at the Scala House Press website: http://www.scalahousepress.com/titles/alamut.php.


First published sixty years ago, Alamut is a literary classic by Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol, a deftly researched and presented historical novel about one of the world’s first political terrorists, 11th century Ismaili leader Hasan ibn Sabbah, whose machinations with drugs and carnal pleasures deceived his followers into believing that he would deliver them to a paradise in the afterlife, so that they would destroy themselves in suicide missions for him. Flawlessly translated into English (and also published in eighteen other languages), Alamut portrays even the most Machiavellian individuals as human – ruthless or murderous, but also subject to human virtues, vices, and tragedies. An afterword by Michael Biggins offering context on the author’s life, the juxtaposition of his writing to the rise of dictatorial conquest that would erupt into World War II, and the medly of reactions to its publication, both in the author’s native Slovenia and worldwide, round out this superb masterpiece. An absolute must-have for East European literature shelves, and quite simply a thoroughly compelling novel cover to cover.
This novel is loosely based on the life of 11th-century Ismailite Hasan ibn Sabbah, whom some credit with masterminding the idea of suicide missions and whose very name, by some accounts, has given rise to the word “assassin.”

Before tackling this novel, Bartol engaged in a decade of research. He offers interesting insights into the origins of the Sunni-Shiite split in Islam, and — writing as he was during the ascension of totalitarianism in Europe — he also conveys broader meditations on the nature of fanaticism.

For all of its provocative ideas and sometimes eerily prescient incidents, “Alamut” is also successful simply as an entertaining yarn.

Bartol devises a shifting collage of passions, adventure and sacrifice. The book’s exotic settings are sumptuously described, and the characters are charismatic and complex — despite the fervent aims of some of them to subscribe to single-minded devotion.

His fighters called the fedayeens believed that he can open for them the gates to paradise. They not only did not fear death, they sought it. They considered it a source of both honor and happiness to be sent by him on suicide missions. They believed, without any doubt, that their death will bring them to paradise, a place of eternal delights, where there are gardens with streams flowing clear as crystal, where there are choices food and drink, and where fair-limbed beautiful girls with dark eyes shaped like almonds await them, who retain their youth and virginity no matter how many times they are made love to.

He used to be part of the "mainstream" Muslim society. But he got disillusioned with the way faith seemed to be degenerating and the way their leaders seemed to be kowtowing to "foreign infidels." He was radicalized. He decided to leave and set himself and his followers up in a place called A. Here, he established his little kingdom. His enemies tried to wipe them out, starting the assault with heavy bombardment which at first frightened his followers but to which they later grew accustomed with. Eventually, safely hidden away from harm, they "grew inured to the crash and rumbling of (these) projectiles."

He was an enigmatic figure. He rarely made appearances even to his own men (except to a select, trusted few). His actual whereabouts were often uncertain. He was considered by his followers as a prophet, and by his enemies as a madman and a cruel murderer. He acted as if he is not bound by any law or rule. He felt free to give seemingly contradictory edicts. Example: he forbade drinking and fornication because the Koran prohibits them; but to some of his followers, and on certain occasions, he even encouraged these acts. His motto for his group: "Nothing is real (or true) and everything is permitted."

By the end of this novel, he "dies" but with a hope to continue living as an enduring legend.

This character was not Osama Bin Laden, nor was his group the al Qaeda, nor was their place of operation Afghanistan. This novel, written by a Slovenian in 1938, is set in the year 1092 (almost a thousand years ago); the leader is Hasan ibn Sabbah, popularly called Sayyiduna (meaning "Our Leader"), and the place where they had their little kingdom was a fortress called Alamut. Action packed with carefully-tuned moral ambiguities which can set the reader into a delightful confusion as to who are the heroes and the villains, or who is right and who is wrong.

Another curious case of literary foreshadowing.(less)

It's impossible to talk about Alamut without first discussing Hasan ibn Sabbah (or Hassan i-Sabbah), the master of the Ismaili sect and prophet of its notoriously crypto-anarchic motto: "Nothing is true; everything is permitted." Most of the story revolves around Hasan and the execution of a grand experiment through which he asserts his grim motto.

To wit, the entire novel is the narration of Hasan's ironic experiment, his belief in a meaningless universe and an uncaring God, and his subsequent infliction of atrocities in an attempt to prove his theory by negation. He is a manipulator, a sociopath who gambles with lives, all the while awaiting some divine judgement to strike him down and prove him wrong.

There's something subtly ironic about Hasan ibn Sabbah. Despite his obvious centrality to the novel and its eponymous fortress, I could never shake off a persistent feeling that Bartol undermined Hasan's validity. We are never quite sure if Hasan ibn Sabbah and the Ismaili motto are correct, or merely misunderstood, or inherently paradoxical. Despite his claims toward prophetic power and universal knowledge, Hasan is a fragile, idiosyncratic, jealous and isolated old man.

And this depiction truly owes itself to Bartol's writing style (or, more accurately, Michael Biggins's translation). Bartol writes with emotional distance. His language is clear, objective and clinical. Sympathetic characters shine through by their own virtue, rather than authorial insistence. Miriam, Halima, Yusuf, ibn Tahir and Suleiman appeal to the reader by their own actions, their beliefs and their emotions. There is something admirably understated about Bartol's writing.

And yet, I could not help but feel he erred too strongly on the side of minimalism. Sometimes entire chapters lacked pathos. There is a certain feeling of emptiness in reading Alamut. A lack of denouement and an absence of any real heroic characters on whom to cling. And, honestly, that sort of emptiness seems fitting for a story like this

I read this book as a companion to Assassin's Creed, the setting in that game is so rich. Alamut takes the basic legends surrounding the Assassins (you can find most of them in Wikipedia) and breathes life into those legends. Many contradictions are explored - how could the Assassins have been deeply ascetic and pious and yet smoke hashish and preach "nothing is true, everything is permitted"? In answering these questions, Alamut chronicles the creations of a religion not unlike Scientology, where blind faith and dedication are manipulated for selfish ends. We follow the creation of the first assassins, and their initiation rite where the young men are drugged and tricked into thinking they have ascended into the afterlife of the Koran, a garden paradise filled with wine and virgins. The young fedayeen (elite assassins) then return to the normal world with such longing that they willingly throw their lives away. The book also follows the harem girls who live as caged princesses, constantly competing among themselves and eventually meeting tragic ends when they meet the fedayeen for a single day, fall in love, then are heart broken to learn they can never see their lovers again.

The book's weakness lies in the main "villian" Hasan ibn Sabbah. Hasan's philosophy which drives everything is a mix of Nietzschean nihilism and will to power - basically all religions are false because true knowledge is impossible to realize, mankind is enslaved by itself own desire for fantasy and falsehood, and great men rise above this to rule over the fates of others. I didn't judge Sabbah in anyway, but the author gets rather preachy when expressing the philosophy, and some sections drag on and on. The game has a much more elegant expression of these ideas.

In the end, I really enjoyed this book, and recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.(less)
THE BEST slovenian book ever (my opinion:)!
The book was written in 1938 by Vladimir Bartol. But after 11 september 2011, the book became even more popular. It it about religion and the power of the religion. Karl Marx said that religion is opium for the people. Vladimir Bartol shows that this can be true if the religious power is in the hands of wrong person.
"Nothing is true, but everything is possible." Can you deal with world in that way?
THE BEST slovenian book ever (my opinion:)!
The book was written in 1938 by Vladimir Bartol. But after 11 september 2011, the book became even more popular. It it about religion and the power of the religion. Karl Marx said that religion is opium for the people. Vladimir Bartol shows that this can be true if the religious power is in the hands of wrong person.
"Nothing is true, but everything is possible." Can you deal with world in that way?

Okular acildi ve dertler basladi... Bunlara dikkat

* Okullar açılmadan önce çocuğa okulun nasıl bir yer olduğunu ve okulda neler yapacağını anlatın. Okulda arkadaş edineceğini, öğretmenleri ve arkadaşlarıyla birlikte hayatı için çok önemli bilgiler öğreneceğini, eğlenceli ve verimli zaman geçireceğini söyleyebilirsiniz.
İlkokula başlayacak çocukların ilk bir hafta heyecan ve korkudan kaynaklanan baş ağrısı, baş dönmesi, mide ağrısı, mide bulantısı gibi fiziksel belirtiler ve çekingenlik göstermeleri normaldir. Ancak bu süre iki haftadan fazla sürüyorsa mutlaka bir uzmanla görüşülmelidir.
* Çocuğun zihninde tasarladığı korkuların sönmesi için sabırlı ve kararlı bir tutum sergilemek gerekiyor. Okula gitmesi konusunda tutarlı davranmalı, çocuğu cesaretlendirmelisiniz. Onun anlayacağı açıklıkta konuşup, neden okula gitmek istemediğinin sebeplerini ortaya çıkarın. İlk günlerde çocuğunuzu okulda yalnız bırakmayın. Kapıda olduğunuzu, çıkışta onu alacağınızı söyleyerek güven duymasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Başka çocuklarla karşılaştırmayın, her çocuğun bunu yaşayabileceğini söyleyin. Bu dönemde öğretmeni ve okuldaki profesyonellerle işbirliği içinde olmayı unutmayın.
* Okula gitmeyi bir zorunluluk gibi hissettirecek söylemlerden kaçının. Hiçbir zaman çocukları okula göndermekle tehdit etmeyin ve okula gitmeyi bir ceza olarak dile getirmeyin. “Okula başlasan da senden kurtulsam!” ya da “Çok yaramazlık yapıyorsun, seneye seni okula vereyim de gör gününü!” gibi sözler çocuğun okula gönderilmeyi bir ceza olarak algılamasına sebep olur. Ayrıca, “Seni öğretmenine şikâyet edeceğim!” gibi ifadeler de, çocuğu öğretmenine karşı ön yargılı kılar. Bu da öğretmeni sürekli ceza verecek bir figür olarak algılamasına ve sebepsiz yere öğretmeninden soğumasına neden olabilir. Bu sebeple okul dönemini sıkıntılı değil, hayat boyu özlenecek bir dönem olarak yansıtın.
* Çocukların hayatındaki büyük değişim ve başlangıçlar travmalara dönüşebilir. Bu süreçlerde çocukları iyi gözlemlemek, dikkate almak ve takip etmek gerekir. Uzun süren fiziksel belirtiler, uyum sorunları, içe dönme ya da agresifleşme gibi davranış bozuklukları varsa bir uzmandan yardım alın.

9 Eylül 2011 Cuma

Kizim Arapca Konusuyor

Soyledigi ve sayesinde ogrendigim kelimeler

Daw- isik
fo- upstairs
he- this
israbi mai- su icmek
atta- kedi
bihebbik- i love you
ana- ben
su hey- what it is?
min- who is this?
naiman-banyodan sonra soylenen sey turkcesini unuttum simdi, saglik olsun?
vahed, tineyn,arbaabir-iki-dort
weyn?- nerde
bunun disinda goz,kulak,kas,parmak ,ayak vesaire arapca sorulunca gosteriyor anliyor ama konusmuyor

Sena Turkce Konusuyor
TV ac
iki, uc, dort, yedi
aldi- iki gun once, 'mama Sesi emmek sut aldi beni' dedi:)

Sena Ingilizce Konusuyor
Come, coming
you see?
one, two, tree
tidy up
I love you
Happy birthday to you
bunlarin disinda bir cok seyi istedigimizde bulup getiriyor bize yani bir cok kelimeyi biliyor ancak soylerken duymadim, aklima geldikce soylediklerini yazacagim burada