19 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba

Chickenpox Healing

Neyseki henuz Sena gecirmedi, her nekadar bir cok kisi ne kadar erken gecirirlerse o kadar iyi deselerde bilemiyorum, herneyse ileride lazim olacagini dusundugum icin bunlari yaziyorum.

When can you stop putting calamine lotion on chickenpox? Is it when they stop itching or keep putting on? We're now 9 days into it, but they have it bad.

I also read put bio-oil on them to heal quicker, has anyone done this?


I don't have experience with chicken pox but I know bio oil is very good for your skin and it will help with healing and prevent scarring.

when my elder 2 daughters had chicken pox, calamine lotion wasnt recommended because it drys the skin amd makes them itch more..
Bio oil i agree is very good and reduces scarring as well.Probably get from boots the chemist.

2 yorum:

  1. Sena mi geciriyor yoksa bilgi amacli mi? Gecmis olsun Sena ise :( Umarim cok kasintili gecmiyordur...

  2. Bilgi amacli ama bazi anneler ozlellikle cocuklari bir an once gecirsin diye ugrasiyorlar, ne kadar erken olursa o kadar iyiymis, bilemiyorum, neyse bir gun isimize yarayacak nasilsa:)
