29 Mayıs 2012 Salı

New type of delivery in Abu Dhabi for food or item



Techniques to help sleep

there is something called biofeedback which is a way that you train your brain to help with various things like stress, anxiety, anger, sleep, etc.  you are trying to slow down your heart rate, in order to relax.  you can do this by focusing on the breathing or use other techniques (more later).  some doctors and clinics help people learn this by actually attaching sensors to your body so you can see how it works.

the next thing to mention is 'guided imagery' -- in addition to focusing on your breathing, you can focus on a place.  for example my mom always used to teach me that i should start by imagining the place where i am most relaxed -- like imagnie you are on the beach, let's say, a very nice beautiful beach, long and white with sand, very peaceful with no children screaming, beautiful blue green water in front of you, not too hot, not too cold, and you are just laying there in the sun, etc.  you focus on that.  or you can focus on another place, you imagine yourself there and think about it, don't let your thoughts go anywhere else.

the one i like the most is called progressive relaxation:

where you focus slowly on every single inch (sorry, i'm american, but for you let's say centimeter ) of your body, from head to toe and you concentrate on each place for few seconds and focus on relaxing every single muscle there.

try it and see.  or do other search on google for sleep relaxation techniques...

The Best "Out-Of-Office" e-mail auto-replies

cok komikler:-)  

The Best "Out-Of-Office" e-mail auto-replies:
------------------------------------------------1: I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position.
2: I'm not really out of the office. I'm just ignoring you.
3: You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.
4: Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management.
5: I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on 4/18. Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.
6: Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.
7: The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.'
(the beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over).
8: Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.
9: Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.
10: Hi! I'm busy negotiating the salary for my new job. Don't bother to leave me any messages.
11: I've run away to join a different circus.
12: I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as ' Loretta' instead of 'Steve’.

Best online shopping websites

btw (sorry for so many emails today but these were deliverables from last night).
websites i recommend for online shopping (some of which are way out of my price range but you ladies that like brand name things will like b/c it is designer stuff below designer price):

www.shopbop.com (having major sale right now)
www.dsw.com frequently has nice shoes on sale

all makeup stuff you can get through sephora's site on amazon.com

as well as the standards of nordstrom.com and the like....

Duvar Kagidi -Wall paper in the U.A.E.

Duvar Kagidi

Laura ashley de cok sirin secenekler var cocuk odalari icin. Perde ve aksesuar takimlari da var. Ben oradan yaptim bebek odasini, cok memnunum.

Cocuk Psikolojisi ve Egitimi

OSHO-Çocuk / Kendin Olma Özgürlü (Children
Freedoom to be Yourself )



Kitap tavsiyeleri ccouklarla ilgili

They fuck you up how to survive family life 
how not fuck them up 
body never lies
Sabiha Paktuna nin kitaplarini tavsiye ederim. 
Genelde ortak gorus var. Ilk kitap bizlerin dogru bilip de cocuklar uzerinde uyguladigimiz seylerin onlari nasil olumsuz etkiledigini anlatiyor. Ikincisi bunu nasil engellersiniz. Ucuncusu de su halimizdeki yani yetiskin halimizdeki davranis, huy, hareketlerimizin cocukluktaki yasadiklarimizin sonuncu oldugunu anlatiyor.

Karbonat ve faydalari


Disler cin iyi diyor ama kotuymus aman denemeyin!!!

Evinizdeki halýlarý süpürseniz de silseniz de zamanla kokmayabaþlar.
Halý yýkamacýlara verdiðiniz hali bilin ki, en kötü kimyasal
deterjanla, yerlerde araba yýkanýr gibi yýkanmaktadýr. Oysa kokuyu
çýkarmak için þunu yapabilirsiniz. Bir iki avuç karbonatý halýnýn her
tarafýna serpin ve 1-2 saat bekledikten sonra elektrik süpürgesi ile
iyice süpürün. Halýnýzdaki o kötü kokudan eser kalmayacaktýr.

* Buzdolabýnýzdaki kokuyla baþ edemiyorsunuz. Bütün yiyecekleri dýþarý
çýkar, sil, süpür, kurula vs. uðraþmak istemiyorsanýz bir kâse
karbonatý buzdolabýnýn bir köþesine koyun. 4-5 günde bir karýþtýrýn.
Kötü kokularýn gittiðini göreceksiniz. Ayrýca dolapta sakladýðýnýz
meyve sebzeler üzerinde koruyucu bir etkisi olacaktýr karbonatýn.

* Hali, koltuk, elbise üzerine yag mi damladi? Panik yapýp, deterjana
saldirmayin! Çünkü deterjan leke olan bölgenin rengini açýp renk
dokusunu bozacaktýr. Bunun yerine yað lekesinin üzerine karbonat dökün
ve üzerini hafifçe ýslayýn. 1-2 saat bekledikten sonra silin. Yað
lekesinden eser kalmayacaktýr. Zira suyla birleþen karbonat yaðlarý
söküp atan doðal bir sabun haline gelir.

* Mutfak tezgâhýnýzýn mermerlerini ve fayanslarýný limonlu karbonat
ile ovun ve durulayýn. En güzel temizleyicidir. Kimyasal deterjan
kalýntýsý kalmadýðý için üzerine meyve- sebzelerinizi, ekmeðinizi
rahatlýkla koyabilirsiniz.

* Kirli lavabolarýnýz için krem deterjanlar yerine limon ve karbonat
kullanýn. Lavaboya karbonat döküp limonla ovun. Hem kirlerin
kaybolduðunu hem de parladýðýný göreceksiniz.

* Ayrýca týkanan lavabolarýnýzý açmak için bir su bardaðý karbonatý
lavaboya dökün. Üzerine 1 bardak sirke ilave edip 2 litre kaynar suyu
lavaboya boþaltýn. Týkanan lavabo açýlacaktýr.

* Dibi tutan tava ve tencerelerinize akþamdan karbonat döküp, sýcak su
ilave edin. Sabah temizlerken zorlanmayacaksýnýz.

* Paslanabilecek eþyalarýnýzý karbonatla ovarsanýz paslanmasýný
engellemiþ olursunuz.

* Porselen gibi kararan eþyalarýnýz varsa limonlu karbonat ile ovun.
Rengi açýlacaktýr.

* Ayný þekilde gümüþ eþyalarýnýzý suyla macun haline getirdiðiniz
karbonat ile ovarsanýz, rengi açýlýp parlayacaktýr.

* Elbise dolabýnýzda rutubet ve küf kokusu varsa ve naftalin kokusunu
da sevmiyorsanýz dolabýnýzý bir köþesinde aðzý açýk þekilde kavanozda
karbonat bulundurun.

* Banyo duþa kabin camlarini karbonat ile silip durulayýn. Duþ alýrken
daha rahat nefes alacaksýnýz.

* Banyo terlikleriniz ister tahta ister plastik olsun üzerine karbonat
dökün ve öyle duþ alýn. Hem terlikleriniz hem de ayaklarýnýz rahat
edecek. Bu yolla tahta takunyalarýnýzýn ömrü uzayacaðý gibi kimyasal
temizleyiciler, cildinizden uzak tutmuþ olacaksýnýz.

* Çamaþýr makinesinde kullandýðýnýz deterjan miktarýný yarý yarýya
azaltýp gerisini karbonat ile tamamlayýn. Çamaþýrlarýnýz daha temiz ve
kimyasal artýklardan uzak kalmýþ olacaktýr.

* Aðýz saðlýðý ve diþ bakýmý için de karbonat çok önemlidir. Akþamlarý
yatmadan önce 1'e 1 oranýnda tuz ile karýþtýracaðýnýz karbonat ile
diþlerinizi fýrçalayýn. Diþ çürüklerinde yerleþip yaþayan ve vücudu
kansere hazýrlayan baðýþýklýk yokedici virüslerin iki düþmanýndan
birisi karbonattýr. Sabaha kadar aðzýnýzda ve diþlerinizdeki bakteri
ve virüsler karbonat ve tuzun etkin temizleyiciliði ile tamamen
temizlenmiþ þekilde uyuyacaksýnýz. Ayrýca aðýz ve diþ kokularý da
önlenmiþ olacaktýr.

* Sonuç olarak; sirke, limon ve karbonat evinizde sadece mideniz için
deðil her türlü temizlikte ve pratikte kullanabileceðiniz doðal
ürünlerdir. Mümkün olduðunca bu ürünleri kullanmaya özen göstermeniz;
hem çocuklarýnýzýn ve sizin saðlýðýnýz için hem de yaþanabilir, nefes
alan bir ev açýsýndan önemlidir.

EK NOT: Bu arada "implant" uygulamalarý zayýf bünyelerde diþ köklerinde
bulunan yukarýda belirtilen virüslerin kana karýþmasý sonucu
baðýþýklýk sisteminin iflasý ile kiþinin 6 ay - 1 yýl gibi sürelerde
kanserden hayatýný kaybetmesine neden olmaktadýr. Geliþmiþ ülkelerde
ve özellikle Amerikada bu uygulamalar çok zor ve kýsýtlanmýþ
durumdadýr. Bu nedenle çene kemiði ile opersyonlardan uzak durmalýyýz.

* Bunu da mümkün olduðunca duyurmak insani bir görev. Yurdumuzda harýl
harýl "implant" yapýlýyor. Amaç TICARET olsun tabi... Ýþte bu virüsü
öldüren adý saný olan bir ilaç var, bir de karbonat çok etkili.!
Ben de camasir makinesine deterjanla birlikte ekliyordum, camasir sodasi yerine. En son saniyorum Carefourdan almistim. Temizlik malzemeleri kisminda degildi ama. Sanki kabartma tozlarinin filan oldugu kisim diye hatirliyorum. Kolay gelsin...
Karbonatin bir baska kullanim alani: deodorant olarak kol altina surmek. Ozellikle hamile ve emzirenler icin cok iyi bir alternatif, ben henuz deneemedim ama ter kokusuna cok iyi cozum oldugunu soyluyor deneyen arkadaslarim.
Deodorant olarak karbonati denemedim ama Life Pharmacy de kristal tasi/suyu sprey roll on lari var,deodorantlarin oldugu bolumde.Gercekten basarili ve icinde kimyasal yok.
Birde ben emzirirken goguslerimi karbonatli suyla yikiyordum her dus sonrasi.Hem bebegimde pamukcuk olmadi,hem de gogsum yara olmadi.(Yara ile alakasi olup olmadigini bilmiyorum)

Dubai Mall'daki organic shop'ta da kristal tasi roll onlari var, ben kullaniyorum ve cok memnunum.
Tavsiye ederim kesinlikle.

Hair Dressers in Abu Dhabi & Dubai

In Abu Dhabi, a safe bet would be Caesar in Sheraton – he’s pretty good!
Another would be the hairdressers at the Abu Dhabi health and fitness club(now called Abu Dhabi country club), nice cuts – I go to Basheer usually, but there’s also Johnny who’s supposedly good to

Toni and guy dubai:) the name is chelsey:) and for color claire

Dubai- acil vize cikarmak icin

Atif Kamal

Managing Director,
Mardan Travels LLC,
Dubai U.A.E.

CEll:+971 50 8880570
Ph :+971 4 4356204
Fax :+971 4 4356205

Benim gozumden Istanbul, Bodrum, Cesme ve more

Tuba Satana 0533 7107317
Istanbul tour icin
Baska sehirlere de tur yapiyor- Giyas arkadasi rehber Levent verdi

Nusret etilerde cok meshur kebapci. Eti hakkaten guzel. Galatasaraydan fransiz sokagina inerken Munferit diye bi restoran pub var, cok meshur yemek meze olayi da cok guzel. Nisantasinda Pipa diye bi italyan pizzaci acildi. Cok kaliteli mekan ve lezzetli. Nisantasi kirintinin yaninda Cookshop acildi. Yine nisantasinda Atiye sokak trafige kapali ve guzel cafeler var (hardal,salomanje,elio,quick china). Karakoy civarinda da guzel yerler acildi Bej Cafe ve Salt ikisine de gitmedim ama duydum guzelmis. Salsa yapabilecegin neresi var hic bilmiyorum cok alakasizim. Buarada ben ablamin evinden ayrilip isime daha yakin olan yesilkoye tasindim. Evim sevimli ferah bi bahce kati. Ayrica yesilkoy buyukada tadinda sicak bi yer. Geldiginde mutlaka beklerim. Cocukla da gelip rahat edebilirsin hatta 

kalabilirsin. Aklima gelenler simdilik bunlar.  

Benim ilave önerilerim
Kahvaltı için Karaköy Namlı Gurme (Caddede de yeri var)
Yemek için Nusret , Zuma, Gigi ve Sortie’nin içinde Minyon ile Da Mario, Sunset (gece de güzel oluyor)
Gece için Anjelik
Kebap için Tavacı Recep, Cerciş Murat Konağı,
Balık için Balıkçı Kahraman
Dürüm için Asamalı’daki Antiochia (müthiş bir lezzet)
Mehmet Gürs’ün tüm restaurantları (Mikla v.s.)
Meyhane Asmalı Cavit ve Münferit (Beyoğlu)
Halen populer mi bilmiyorum ama Pera’daki Nupera ve Off Pera da yemek sonrası giddilecek yerlerden

Miniaturk'e gitmisken Koc Muzesini de kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Hem yetiskinler hem cocuklar icin guzel bir yer
SU ADASI-kurucesme, LEB-I DERYA-beyoglu, 360-beyoglu, ASMALIMESCIT-beyoglu.
Oyuncak Muzesi

You can take a bus from the airport which goes till Taksim (kind of city center-closed to everywhere)
The bus called HAVAS (It is cheap but since you will be two of us you may just take a cab)
If you arrive there at night (since the cabs charge you more) you may take Havas (but they may have bus till 12 and in the morning they start at 6.00 o clock-I think-)
Anyway Havas (just at the exit they wait, you can’t miss-they have a stop.
You should definitely see
1)       Sultanahmet (Where Topkapi Palace- church and other places to see-will give you the names later)
2)       Ortakoy-Bebek-Arnavutkoy (by the sea cute places where you can have lunch/dinner/drink and walk by the sea and see the beautiful Bosphorus view-
3)       Kanyon- the new shopping mall-I like it because it is open air.
4)       You should stay in the city center so you can get about easily, cause there is a traffic jam in Istanbul

Ciragan Kempinski Hotel just by the sea in Ortakoy and beautiful!!!
One of the good otel is Les Ottoman in Kurucesme.
There is a coffee called ASK 

In Taksim there are many clubs; restaurants, bars, shops everything
It is such a cosmopolited place
You can go to Galata tower in Galata (closed to Taksim)
You should definitely go to Kapali carsi Baazar –Misir bazaar (in Eminonu)-closed to Taksim
Maiden Tower (light house) (is in the middle of the sea- you need to take a boat, I think they have service in Findikli (again closed to taksim-youi can take the tube)
The hotels you might stay in Taksim

1)       Intercontinental
2)       Hilton- from the center of Taksim (10 minutes walk away though)
3)       The Marmara –nice location, cheaper than the others-make sure you get a new room though)
4)       The Ritz –expensive
5)       Swiss Hotel-it is in Macka (closed to Taksim but does not have walking distance but has beautiful view)

There are more hotels and cheaper ones
It is up to your budget

It is beautiful because you can walk in a very nice street with nice shops and cute cafes. Don’t go there on Sunday-Sunday most of them are closed!
The street life is good in Turkey!

QUESTION: What about during Ramadan will things still be open?  Should we wait until after Ramadan?

The answer is NO, but during eid the bazaar will be closed.
Everywhere will be open
However the number of the people who go to clubs will drop
That doesn’t matter actually it might be even good so you can have some space
It is a crowded city!
Will write to you other places when I remember
3.5 days is okay, you will have to rush though. You can get a grasp of the city but it won’t be like I have seen everywhere in Istanbul at all.
Even one year is not enough to see the all the beauty in Istanbul. I lived there 7 years and I know that still so many places left to discover although I was going out a lot.
There are many different interesting places and loads of things to do.

Istanbul Itinerary & Contact (red is must do)

Bosphorus Boat Tour  (take boat either from Besiktas or Eminonu pier) – have fish lunch at the last stop (Anadolu Kavagi) – castle at the top has nice views of the Black Sea if you want to stroll up the hill  (might be cold in the winter, but still recommended)

Princess Islands – take a boat from Besiktas pier; go to Buyuk Ada; have lunch, ride the horse carriage around the island (might be cold in the winter)
Aya Sofya

Topkapi Palace – located in Sultanahmet, not Topkapi

Blue Mosque

Basilica cistern – haunting place, near Aya sofya – visit if you can.

Archeological Museum (Alexander the Great’s sarcophagis is supposed to be there – turns out it is someone else’s, but very interesting)
Grand Bazaar (haggle)

Dolmabahce Palace – go to Ortakoy after visiting Dolmabahce Palace.

Galata Tower (near the centre of the city; can be combined with a stroll in Beyoglu – old consular district) – in the fish market try the “Degustasyon” restaurant (they have an appetizer called topic, try that)

Maiden’s Tower (hard to reach – easiest is to take a small boat from besiktas to uskudar, then take boat from uskudar to the tower )

Beyoglu – at the heart of the city; shopping area, restaurants, cafes – pedestrians only
Ortakoy – next to your hotel (15-20 min walk) – seaside shopping, cafes, restaurants
Good restaurants
Borsa – in Harbiye next to the Hilton (closer to the centre of city near Taksim, but still just 10 minutes by car from your hotel) – excellent traditional Turkish cuisine
Sardunya – next to the Mimar Sinan University (10 minutes by car from your hotel) seaside food restaurant well-suited for romantic dinners – no crowds, good view
Poseidon – in Bebek (15 minutes by car from your hotel) seaside, excellent seafood 
Degustasyon – In Beyoglu (near the British embassy)
Laila – near your hotel
What to Eat
Fish: Kalkan if it is in season
Appetizer: fried calamari with tarator sauce, patlican salatasi (babaghanoush Turkish style), sigara borek (Turkish fatayer), karides guvec (shrimp casserole)
Turkish cuisine: Hunkar begendi  (this is the name of the dish, means Sultan liked it)

Ortakoy is 15 minutes far away from Taksim by taxi (depends on the traffic it can go up to 1 hour)

Ciragan Kempinski and Four Season hotels are in Ortakoy too and they are beautiful, you should check them out as well.

They are the most expensive but the best hotels in Istanbul.

Swiss Hotel close to Taksim (it is in a place called MACKA) is nice and has great view.

NISANTASI, is a place where is more popular in the winter but has lots of posh bars and clubs, and has got nice unique boutique cafes and shops.
I think you would enjoy this place during the day for chilling out, trying nice food and shopping

I have been away from the night life of Turkey last 5 years so don’t know where is nice these days but Denise might be more helpful.
These are the places were top of the Istanbul night life before I left

Leila (I think the name changed now, it is very close to Reina) they are both in Kurucesme, near  ORTAKOY.These two places by the sea and have fantastic view. You need to be smart casual.
In Taksim, there is a place called Nu Pera (it is close to Otel Pera), smart casual

In ORTAKOY there is a place called ANGALICA (hope the spelling is correct) by the sea and nice again smart casual

They may ask for reservation or try to charge you for the entrance so it is normal, they are posh places. You can have dinner as well, can be pricy.

In Taksim there are lots of lots of bars, clubs, there is no way you can finish even in 1 month.
You can just go and try as many as you can. They are mainly not on the main street of ISTIKLAL STREET, but parallel streets. Can be inside a building, first floor, top floor, middle floor, they are everywhere.


It has a hectic night life and during the day you can enjoy the cold, clean sea. You can visit Bodrum castle and even try to go to the concert in the castle (there are so many concerts during the summer, check it out one of your favorite singer might have a concert while you are there)
It is good for snorkeling and diving.
You can try to take the daily boat there where they take you to nice spots to swim.
It is better than going to the public beach.

It is a bit expensive because it is very popular among Turkish tourists as well as foreign tourists

There are plenty of hotels over there.
Because my parent has a house I never stayed in a hotel.

You may need to search in the internet
I will ask my friends if they know anything cheap and cheerful

I have just remembered, it won’t be as crowded as in the summer in September which is good for you.
When the schools start people leave which is good but most of the clubs will be closed.

In Istanbul though you should try to go to one of trendy club by the sea with a spectacular Bosphorus view.


You have to see this place. It is very close to Izmir. You can spend one night over there. Nice food, great sea, and cute architecture.

It is a great place to surf by the way

It has a night life as well

It has private beaches as well as public beaches

Try to stay in ALACATI (the area called in CESME)


This place is nice too but a bit out of your way
So you decide.
Maybe you should try to see next time

It is in DENIZLI


Have a look at the images

You should try to stay one of the cave hotels in Cappadocia and if you have chance try horse riding since Cappadocia means “the land of the beautiful horses”
Also you can try balloon tour over there. You do it very early in the morning and if you come back safely you celebrate it with champagne. They give you champagne with strawberry and breakfast.
(Don’t worry no accident happened so far, it is safe)

It is a fascinating place.  I am dying to go there again. The sun set is great. They have beautiful spots where they take you for the sun set.

Will send you more information on other parts of Turkey...

27 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Emirates Palace'da bir hafta sonu

Weekend at EP- keyifliydi, ailemle cok guzel gecti, Ucumuz ayni yatakta yattik ne guzeldi...
Kizimla ilk kez deveye bindim, yuzduk, yuruduk, guzel yemekler yedik...
Ertesi gun Sena'min kulagi agridi, doktora goturdum neyseki ayni gun gecti...
2 minuets anne
new house, which one is the new house?
Sena tasindigimiz haftanin ikinci hafta sonunda EP'de kalinca kafasi karisti which new house, is this new house diye kafasi karisti...
Bana 2 minuets anne diyor ya bekle diyor bana kizim
First dedi birsey anlatirken, valla okulun faydasi cok oluyordu ama kizim okulu bittikten sonra (14 Haziran 2012) bena dun (18 Haziran 2012) anne okul diyor ya okula gitmek istiyor, 2 yil aradan sonra ilk kez okula gitmek istedi ama okul coktan bitmisti!!
Ve ayrica I miss Anna ,Idabe (Isabel), Andrew ve Simya dedi ya
Yavrum ya belkide bir daha arkadaslarini ve ogretmenini goremeyecek olmasi ne kotu:-(

Turistler icin Istanbul

Ege’s favorites recommendations to friends going to Istanbul

- Sultanahmet district (the Historical Peninsula) where the Hagia Sophia, the Topkapi Palace (including the Archaeology Museum), the Hippodrome, the Blue Mosque, the underground Yerebatan Cistern, the Grand Bazaar etc are located. Very touristy but a must for a first-time visitor.
There are nice hotels near Sultanahmet, the area where most of these sites are, and also good bargains and great views from upper floors.
- Eminonu, where the Egyptian Market is located, and from where the tram takes you to Sultanahmet, and where you can get to by walking over the Galata Bridge over the Golden Horn from Karakoy
- the Fener and Balat districts along the Golden Horn, close to Eminonu. Wooden houses, old neighborhoods.

- Istiklal Street, off Taksim Square in Beyoglu, is a pedestrian shopping axis with many cafes, shops, buzzing with activity, takes you to Galatasaray and Tunel areas, from where you can go to Galata.
Lots of hotels in the district around Taksim Square, where there are business hotels, a couple of high-end hotels, but also quite good bargains. 
The Taksim area is great for tourists, lots of walking, the pedestrian main axis of Istiklal Street, with shopping, historic houses, cultural life, etc. It's frequented a lot by locals, so not just touristy either. 
Hotel recommendation: Lush Hotel at Taksim, Marmara Pera in Tepebasi near Pera Museum

- Galata district and Galata tower, nice cafes and restaurants around there such as Cezayir, Enginar, etc.
Konak Pastanesi (Konak Patisserie) in Galata is somewhere with a great terrace, great Sunday brunches.. you can combine it with the dervish visit..
the whirling dervishes have a ceremony open to the public every sunday (i think 3pm?) in the Galata Mevlevihanesi. 

- Tunel, which is an extension of Istiklal Caddesi, goes down to the sea
- Eat at one of the restaurants on Nevizade Street or Cicek Pasaji, off Istiklal, with meze and fish

- Istanbul Modern, art museum converted from warehouses in Karakoy, right next to that some shisha places in Tophane, down from Galata, Kabatas Ferry pier is also there

- The Dolmabahce Palace near Inonu Stadium (home of the Besiktas football club)

- Besiktas, very central old business area, with fish restaurants, a major ferry terminal, and newly restored Akaretler shopping district
- Nisantasi, posh shopping district with high-end boutiques and restaurants

- Take a ferry from Kabatas to the Princes' Islands, get off at Buyuk Ada (Prinkipo Nissa), where cars are not allowed and you can take a horse buggy to the Aya Nikola Monastery at the top. Taking a ferry alongthe Bosphorus is a treat by itself..
- Take a ferry across the Bosphorus, watch the seagulls fly beside you..drink some tea and eat a simit on the ferry..

- Princes' Islands, via ferry from Bostanci on the Asian side, pedestrian zone, old beautiful houses on the hills..

22 Mayıs 2012 Salı

Yeni bir ev ve yeni bir hayat, yine bir parti

Valla yorucu ve uzun bir 10 gun gecirdik, halada bitmedi, hersey karmancurman, gunlerdir evi bit by bit tasidik, kiyafetler, kirilacak esyalar, degerli esyalar, DVD ve CD'ler gibi...Tasinma oncesi hem yeni evi hazirlamakla hem parti duzenlemekle hem de yeni esyalar almakla gecti. Alinacaklar listesi yap yap bitmedi... Gece gec saatlere kadar ya IKEA daydim yada yeni evi tasimakla mesguldum. Ustune bir suru painter ve perdeci ile gorustum ve sonunda hic bir sey yaptirmamaya karar verdim, bu konuda kendimi basarisiz hissediyorum ama hep calisip hem de burdaki gerzeklerle ugrasamadim...
Ustunede feci fiyatlar isteyince pes ettim maalesef...
Bu arada da bir kac esyami sattim birde onlara esya goster falan
Valla benim tekini cope attigim sofa bir degerliymis aklim durdu, en az 10 kisi aradi, ilk goren kapti AED 150'ye aslinda 200'e cok rahat satarmisim, ucuza gitti ha ha, ilkini cope attim diye cok uzuldum.
Sonra eski masamizi sattim ama benim hobi masamdi iyi mi ettim bilmiyorum. Onuda apartmanda bir Hintli aldi geldi aldi gitti temiz is, fyattan da bir kurus indirmedim onuda en az 50 veya 100 aed daha fazlaya  satabilirmisim AED 350'ye gitti, Sena da ben de uzulduk giderken... Kizimda benim kadar duygusal olmasa bari, bacak kadar boyuyla uzuldu minik elin adamlari masamizi aldi gitti diye.
Sonra TV set 200'e gitti ama su an TV setimiz yok, iki kitaplik gitti AED 400'e ama icindkiler halen karton kutuda onlari koyacak yerimiz yok, bed side table gitti, yatagimiz gitti, bir iki kotu seyide bedevaya alan kadina verdim, zavalli kadin Sri lanka'daki ailesine gondercekmis bunlari. Ya benim begenmedigim esyalarim meger cok degerliymis baskalari icin.
Ne demisler one's trash can be other's treasure...
Dubbizle ve Abelaya koydugumuz ilanlar sayesinde cabucak gitti
Gardrobumu neyseki sat-a-mamisim su an 49.katta cok ise yariyor...
Bir tane coffee table ve firin kaldi satilacak, onlarida sattimdi iyi olacak...

18/05/2012 Cuma gunu evi tasidik, cuma gecesinden beride yeni evimizde kaliyoruz
17/05/2012 Persembe gunude house leaving party yapinca felek sasti biraz ama Afamia sirketi ile ufak tefek sorun disinda sag salim tasinmis bulunuyoruz, ustelik AED 1700' e hallettiler, bahsisleri haric, uyanik Filiinli sarabimin tekinide istedi, verdim bende...Duvara monte edilecek seylerin cogunu hallettiler cok super beceremedilersede. Sorun bizim kizda da ortalayamamis tam duvari yada cok alcak yere cakmis neyse artik...

Istedigim hic birseyi tasinmadan once haledemedim
Perde, boya duvar kagidi gibi
Boya duvar kagidindan vazgectim perdeyi de insallah bir iki gune halletcem
En azindan kararimi verdim ama tabii adamlar iyi is cikarirsa bu sorunda hallolcak
Bir suru masraf
Yeni esyalar aldim
Gardrop-cok begenerek aldim-ustunede guzel kutulardan koydum sahane oldu
Sena oda kitaplik ve oyuncaklik, bir tane daha alacagim, cok ihtiyac var neyseki yer var onu koyacagim, baktim IKEA'ya ama karar veremedim, istedigim gibi bir sey yoktu.
Iki dvd ve cd lik
Bir kirmizi kitaplik
Yeni yatak (yatagimdan cok memnunum)
Banyo icin havlu vesaire koymak icin beyaz guzel bir dolap-G hala install etmedi
Mesi icin ayakkabilik
Camasir sepeti, tekerlekli falan cok guzel-buda bekliyor assemble edilmeyi etmedi
Yeni perdeler, bazilarini bugun degistirmek icin IKEA ya gitcem yine
Ayrica cok uzunlar o yuzden terzi isim var
Iki cici ciceklik
Arde icin cok cici bir dolap

Hala daha almam gereken seyler var cunku bir kitaplikda Giyas ile kitaplarimizi degerli kagitlarimizi koymamiz icin lazim
Ayrica bir cicek alacagim bakalim.

Neyseki internet, TV ve telefon Cumartesi halloldu,
Camasir ve bulasik makinasi calisir durumda, tezgahi genisletmeleri gerekti bulasik makinasi icin
Aldigimiz askilari astik mutfaga ve banyoya, Ikea'nin pratik bir iki esyasi mutfakta isime yaradi.

Ardedeki askiligi duzeltmem gerekiyor bakalim nasil olacak, ters takmislar salaklar
Senanin odasina asilacaklar asildi ama hala resim almam lazim, elimdekileride henuz asmadim nereye asacagimi bilmedigimden

2+1 e pek sigamadik henuz
O yuzden 49.kat tam bir kaos halinde
Bakalim 8. Kati bitirince 49. Kati organize etcem
In cik in cik tam bir iskence
Bizim katin tuvaleti kokuyor falan
Benim otopark 10. Katta (5 guya ama ara katlarla 10 oluyor) cikmam 3 dakikayi aliyor su an katlar bos diye 3 dakika, katlar arabalarla dolarsa birde onlari bekleme payiyla intiharlik cik in cik in cok sinir bozucu)
Bakalim insallah degistirebiliriz
Onun disinda G' la bol bol kavga ediyoruz evi tasimanin stresi mi ne bilemiyorum.
Zaten deli oluyorum hala iki ev ve arada 41 kat olmasi fikrine
Hala ocak yok, yeni aldik bugun gelcek guya ve bugun veya yarin anca takilir, kac gundur evde sut bile isitamiyoruz, zavalli Sena'nin istahi zaten yok bu aralar herhalde biraz hasta ve ustune bu telas onuda etkiledi ve hic bir sey yemedi kac gundur dogru durust..Bu Sabah (21/05/2012) 13.8 kilo cikti hala 14 bile olamadi!!!
Bizim evin maintanence sirketi feci , cok gec geliyorlar ve hersey icin para oduyoruz
Bu ulkede ev alan aptal gercekten ancak cok guzel ve oturmus bir yer degilse
Sena'yi okula birakip almak sorun oluyor ama idare ediyoruz bu hafta late shift var o yuzden sabahlari ben oglenleri G aliyor simdilik, 20 dakika suruyor bizim evden cok kotu degil zaten bir ay kaldi
Bir tane daha araba koltugu aldik artik araba degistirme derdinden kurtuldum.
Benim isten eve henuz 5 dakikada gitmeyi beceremedim, her gun yeni bir yol kesfediyorum insallah bu aksam bir yol daha deniycem sonra en uygununu kullancam. Bazen yol kisa olsada trafik yuzunden o kadarda cabuk gidemiyorsun.
Ama sabahlari en azindan Sena'yi 5 dakikada okula birakabilcegim.
Onun disinda bir cilginlik daha yaptim, iki gunlugune Katmandu'ya gitcem hafta sonu ama persembe yarim gun izin almam lazim, istekilerin haberi yok hala...
Ucaga nasil bincem ne geregi vardi pismanim ama bileti almis bulundum, yine bestie ile
Sonrada iki hafta late shift ve ardindan bizim tatil geliyor
Donustede yeni bir patron olacak:-(
Yogun bir 1.5 ay beni bekliyor, bakalim insallah adam ramazanida cikarir aradanda oyle gelir bari ramazanda rahat etsek 6 saat calisma saati ile
Onsan sonrasida allah kerim artik

Parti cok guzel gecti kalabaliktan ve sound sistemimiz olmadiginda muzik falan duyulmadi biraz da dans edilse cok iyi olurdu, sarhos oldum, kac bardak ictim hatirlamiyorum.
30 kisi geldi, bazilari tabii son dakika gelemedi bazilarida onceden planlanmis programi oldugu icin gelemedi maalesef
Konusma yaptim soylemek istediklerimi tam soyleyemesemde heyecandan unuttum ama begendi herkes galiba...
Cok karisik duygular yasadim, cok uzuldum hatta otoparkta 10 kat cikinca sinirlerim bosaldi ustune uykusuz gecen geceler hamalliktan yorulan vucudum ve ters giden seylerden sonra bayagi agladim biraz rahatladim.

Soylemek isteyip sarhosluktan ve heyecandan hepsini soyleyemedigim konusmam bu;

I am aware of that neither this building nor this flat is a chateau but it is very important to me
Cause I have been so HAPPY in this building, I have had so many good memories and bad ones of course but that is life isn't it? I have lived in this same building since I arrived AD which is about 6.5 years ago (aslinda tam 6.9 yil, vay be)
This house is our first house with G after we got married.
I left my house, my beautiful city Istanbul , my work and my family and friends so I can be with G and this building was the beginning of our journey together

I had my many firsts in this building.
I got married and we started to live together here
I was a married woman for the first time in this building
I was a mother for the first time in this building
It is my daughter's first building it is her first home
I got my offer letter for my job in this building and then never got another one again.pufff
Also this building holds a record in my life
I had never lived in the same building more than 6 years and here it is, it broke that record
Actually AD holds another record, this city is the only city that I have lived more than 6 years
I am actually like a gipsy, yesterday at 12 o'clock at night I was carrying my stuff to move to the new house and it felt like a déjà vu, man how many times do I have to move again???
As you know AD would be nothing if we didn't have good friends around us (and the money)

If I didn't have my friends I couldn't bare the heat, sand storms, stupidity things like that irritates us most.
First of all I would like to thank my husband G for taking me here to this adventure in AD, for taking me to this building (after all he paid the rent.)
For giving me the chance to be here where I am today
Then thanks to my lovely daughter Sena for making our life even more beautiful, giving us lots of sleepless and exhausted nights and so much anxious ..
And thanks to Mesi, for making my life much easier and putting my mind at ease and looking after all of us very well.
And last but not least thank for being in my life and making my life fun and being there for me to support when I need it.

Bye-bye Remah Tower and bye-bye my beautiful neighborhood Khalidiya!